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Funding from the County of Northumberland

All early learning and child care programs of Northumberland have been granted opportunities to apply for funding assistance recently. Cook's applied for and received funding support three times over the past few months.

  1. Health & Safety Funding Support: Our Cook's Child Care Program location was able to have the activity rooms and main foyer painted and a new vacuum was purchased. Our Victoria Park Child Care Centre was able to have a fridge replacement, washroom repairs, door repair, and the de-icer replaced in the eaves trough.
  2. Transformation Funding Support: Cook's received funding to help cover a formal strategic planning day in December to look to our future and plan for continued success. Similar to all programs across the province, the implementation of full day every day kindergarten has introduced new challenges. Funding support also helped to pay for a marketing campaign for Cook's Home Child Care Agency. Cook's had information cards produced and mass-mailed across the County over a six-month period to enhance our visibility and to seek persons interested in providing early learning and care in their homes.
  3. Play-based Material and Equipment Funding Support: All three of our programs received a significant amount of money to aid in the purchase of program enhancements to further promote the importance of play-based learning. Please check out our Facebook page to view photos of some of the items purchased and so much more.

We are extremely grateful for this support!


© 2014 Cook's School Day Care Inc.